Represented by Deanship of IT and Distance Learning, PSAU reviewed its remarkable experience in the usage of open source software. It was in a workshop held by e-Government Program “Yesser”. The university’s delegation was headed by Dr. Khalid Nowaiser Vice-Dean of IT and Distance Learning.
The meeting was started by a speech delivered by Eng. Abdul Aziz Shuaubi Director of “Yesser”. He defined open source software and its benefits, besides the importance of open source software usage to the kingdom in future. Then, a number of governmental entities shared their experience in this field starting by PSAU.
Dr. Nowaiser delivered a speech reviewed the university’s experience and obstacles in using open source software, besides the solution of such obstacles. He added that the university has benefited open source transformation by reducing the costs. Also, it has achieved the second place in Digital Excellence Award (academic branch), besides achieving the first place in the Arab region in performance according to Google indicators. In addition, he discussed the role, experience and efficiency of the work team, which led to this achievement. At the end of his speech, Dr. Nowaiser talked about the deanship vision regarding open source usage.
At the end of the workshop, the university was honored for its distinguish and successful usage of the open source software.