Represented by Deanship of Scientific Research, PSAU organized a number of training workshops to elevate scientific research and to prepare faculty members for publishing in scientific magazines, besides, enhancing faculties’ researches and scientific papers.
The deanship organized a workshop titled “Scientific Integrity and Quote Reveling” by using (iThenticate) software. The workshop was divided into two sessions. The first one was delivered by Mr. Muthafar Abbas. He explained the program features. He made a practical demonstration on the program to discover the quotation in scientific papers. The second session discussed the scientific integrity and scientific research morals. It was delivered by Dr. Abdul Menem Suleiman.
At the College of Business Administration in Hotat Bani Tamim, the deanship organized a workshop titled “Scientific Journals Ranking”. the workshop discussed the importance of scientific journals and the importance of choosing the international ones. The workshop presented by Dr. Tariq Khatip and Mr. Abbas. It aimed to familiarize the attendance with scientific journals classification basics, scientific journals classification methods, Impact Factor (IF), H-Index, development of ISI and the classification of the magazine (Scopus& ISI). Besides, it demonstrated the proper iThenticate program and the archived feature of Cabbles Directory database.
Dr. Ghalib Nahdi Deanship Supervisor said the deanship is keen to organize such workshops because of the importance of the research authenticity in scientific research development. He extended his thanks and appreciation to Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Asimi Rector of PSAU for hi sponsorship to scientific research programs. In addition, he thanked the participant colleges in this workshops.