Under the patronage of Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Asimi Rector of PSAU, College of Medicine concluded the events of the social activities. The beneficiaries of the medical, preventive and awareness services reached 22168 citizens. In addition, the activities witnessed the visits of more than 25 school at Al Kharj Province, whereas the examined students reached 3500 students. Moreover, awareness programs were held at the blocks, malls, public places such as the parks and in festivals. The beneficiaries of the awareness programs reached more than 3685 beneficiaries. Besides that, some the awareness programs and the preliminary examination were held at the college’s clinics, whereas the beneficiaries reached 13592 beneficiaries. In order to participate in the activities of Gulf Health Week visits were made to some of the health centers affiliated to Ministry of Health. The college was actively participating in these activities.
It is worth mentioning, the presented preventive program name was “Mushriqa”. In this year, “Mushriqa (3)” was under the slogan “In our Mouth We Should Care”, whereas “Mushriqa (4)” was under the slogan “Together for Healthy Teeth”. The program provided more than 31000 brochure and poster. They were handed to the visitors and the beneficiaries. Moreover, awareness lectures, workshops and study groups were held in an innovative way. Also, visitors were handed some gifts such as toothbrush and toothpaste. The work team of these activates reached about 100 participants from the college’s students, faculty members, and administration departments.