On Monday 6/5/1437H, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Asimi Rector of PSAU has inspected the employment competition procedures. The competition was held for the applicants of the managerial vacancies from the fifth grade to the tenth grade.
Rector listened to a brief about the exam procedures, which was delivered by Dr. Musharraf Azzahrani Dean of Faculty Members and Staff. In addition, Dr. Azzahrani clarified that exams began from Sunday 5/5/1437H and it will last until Wednesday 8/5/1437H. He pointed out that the competition went through many stages starting by the announcement on the following link (https://jobs.psau.edu.sa) on 24/10/1436H. The announcement was published in various media while the applying period lasted for five days. Then, a specialist committee began the procedures of examining the submitted applications, which are ended lately. However, the written exams started medially after the procedures of application examination.
At the end of the tour, Dr. Azzahrani expressed his thanks to Rector for his continuous follow-up to the competition in all its stages. He also thanked him for the visit and his eagerness to justice between the competitors.