SAU organizes the firs job on 27/4/1436H at the University City, which it will last for three days. The event targets the governmental, public and privet sectors. It is meant to be a true platform for hiring and to give the graduates the chance of meeting the hiring companies.
Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Asimi Rector SAU pointed out that the university is full of qualified students, who have the scientific and the practical ability, besides the skills. However, such qualifications need to be discovered. Therefore, SAU officials, by our leadership support, has communicated with all the kingdom’s sectors to invest in our students and to direct them well, which is will benefit them, their community and their kingdom. Moreover, we aim to hold this event regularly to give the students the chance of practicing job applying.
Furthermore, Dr. Al Asimi added that the university has begun the first important step towards guiding the students to choose what suite them and fill their expectations. In addition, SAU was keen to invite the largest number possible of privet and governmental institutions.
Dr. Musharraf Azzahrani Dean of Faculty Members and Staff Affairs, Head of the organizing committee said that the job day is held in a time that labor market witnesses huge developments, which is led to compete on the available opportunities. He added, this event is for all the university’s colleges and it includes variant activities such as workshops, training courses, forum and consulting pavilion, besides many other activities.