Within its continuous efforts to fulfill the university’s message in encouraging scientific publication, Deanship of Scientific Research funds more than 200 scientific proposal and establishes central research labs that coast 30 million SAR during the fiscal year 1434/1435H.
Dr. Saad Omran Dean of Scientific Research clarified that Rector approved the fund of 18 researches project within the program of Saudi faculty member support. Moreover, the deanship sought to activate the university’s role in community partnership by obtaining the approval on eight research project that have direct impact in developing the community and fixing its problems. These projects include cases such as education, youth, family, economy, and health, in addition to contemporary cases that affect the community. Dr. Omran elaborated that deanship also obtained the approval on nine research projects within the program of funding international cooperation researches. However, these researches would assist in developing the scientific research in SAU and faculty research skills by exchanging expertise and knowledge with other international faculties.
Furthermore, the deanship has funded 158 research projects within the program of funding specialized researches. The projects are divided as follows:
· 62 researches for subjects related to engineering, and basic and applied sciences.
· 83 researches for subjects related humanities and administrational researches.
· 13 researches for subjects related to health sciences.
The deanship was keen to study and sort all these researches by using Ithenticate program, which checks the authenticity of a research before sending them to outside arbitrators.
Dr. Omran added that the university would witness in the coming weeks the inauguration of number of scientific research units that support Knowledge Economy. These units will result the enhancement of scientific research system, the production economic payoff innovations and the activation of SAU role in serving the community and the country.
Moreover, within the deanship keenness to fulfill the university’s strategic plan objects related to scientific research infrastructure enhancement, the deanship will inaugurate four research labs in the College of Sciences and Humanities in Al Kharj. These labs are for thin film, descriptions, imaging and analysis.
On this regard, Dr. Omran extended his thanks and appreciations to Rector and Dr. Abdul Aziz Hammed Vice-Rector of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research for their encouragement and support.