Breadth of Knowledge
Knowledge that pertains to the principles, concepts and theories in the field of study.
Depth of Knowledge
Using acquired knowledge in identifying the various aspects of the latest development of facts and theories in the field and their relevance to other fields.
Critical & Creative Thinking
Ability to objectively assess different issues, based on given information, and to reach unconventional evaluation of them.
Research Skills
Ability to identify problems, review previous relevant literature, collect and analyze data and recommend solutions.
Technical Skills
Having the required field-related skills.
Communication Skills
Ability to convey information and communicate effectively and appropriately.
Self-directed Lifelong Learning
Commitment to continue learning based on self-assessment of needs.
Career Skills
Demonstrating career-related skills such as teamwork, time-management, negotiation, professionalism, collaboration, cooperation, and accountability.
Ethical Responsibility
Committing to practice the established common and professional ethical principles.
Social Responsibility
Contributing one’s knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the society.
Confidence & Adaptability
Believing in one’s acquired knowledge and skills; and demonstrating ability to adjust to new conditions.