The counseling unit is a place that provides the students with guidance and help that assist them to benefit their self-abilities and skills. Students and their mentor discuss the obstacles that faces the students during their academic life and trying to find solutions for it.
The unit aims to provide the students with communication skills and aid them to invest in their innovations and hobbies.
Counseling fields:
Academic field: obstacles that face the students during their academic studies such as memory problems, exams anxiety and changing majors.
Profession Field: helping the students to choose a suitable major.
Family field: enabling them to adapt in their families.
Psychological field: solving problems like feelings of inferiority, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive or shame.
Social field: assisting the students to build friend relations and maintaining their current ones.
Targeted slice of the unit:
1. University’s students
2. Faculty members
3. Local community members.
How to use our services:
· The student shall be registered in the university.
· The student shall come by him-self to schedule an appointment.
· Local community members are admitted by a recommendation from one of the local community officials.
Deanship of Students Affairs - second flour