PSAU Rangers received the excellence shield of pilgrimage services camp to the year 1437H. the Ranger program is supervised by Deanship of Student Affairs.
The shield was received by the Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Thalab Al Shakra during the ceremony held by the Saudi Arabian Boy Scout Association on Thursday, 6/9/1438 H, at Arafat Camp in Makkah to honor the distinguished public service camps in Hajj and the interactive teams in the national scout project to protect the environment.
Dr. Thalab Al-Shakra expressed his sincere thanks to the Scouts Association for this beautiful gesture and for the efforts they provide to serve pilgrims and supporters of the House of Allah and the participation of other parties in the organization. He also thanked the administration of the student clubs in the Deanship for their preparation and training of participants to represent the university The University of Prince Sattam University in the coming years will be, God willing, at the forefront of universities to participate in the service of the pilgrims and his supporters.
It is worth mentioning that the University of Prince Sattam bin Abdul Aziz represented by the Deanship of Student Affairs participated in the number of sixteen rangers to serve the pilgrims in the pilgrimage last year 1437 AH, where they had outstanding efforts and distinctive programs, enabling them to achieve advanced positions in various competitions and activities held camp Mona al-Jabal Association.