The inauguration ceremony of the Smart Cities Hackton at PSAU was launched on Thursday evening in the presence of the Vice-Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Khudairi and a number of deans.
The ceremony began with verses from the Holy Quran. Then, Dr. Mohammad Btah Dean of Compute Science and Engineering delivered a speech thanking Rector for his support and thanking organizing teams of this evet. Later on, Dr. Abdul Aziz Daej Vice Dean of the Compute Science and Engineering for educational and academic affairs delivered a speech on the concept of smart cities and the vision of the Kingdom 2030 in this aspect and challenges and solutions that contribute to the progress of the country and society and take advantage of modern technology in the development of cities and regions.
Furthermore, Dr. Ahmed Ajina Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and owner of Entrepreneurship Initiative "Rowad" delivered a speech expressing his pride and support to event. Then he introduced the policy of participation in the Hackton and the mechanism of work for participants. And then, he announced the beginning of the first days of the Haccthon.
It is worth mentioning, that this event extends for three days where participants work on their smart ideas and their software projects that contribute to improving the level of services in various health, educational, environmental, economic and other fields. The final results will be announced by the Arbitration Committee on the next Saturday.